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[Published: Monday September 14 2009]

Iranian nuclear talks next month

Teheran, 14 Sept-(ANA)-Iran is to hold talks next month on its nuclear programme with the six world powers dealing with the crisis.

The talks are due to start on 1 October and at an undecided venue.

Last week, Tehran offered "comprehensive" talks on disarmament issues, but made no direct mention of its own nuclear programme.

In response, the US said it was ready to "test Iran's willingness to engage", while stressing that the offer did "not address our nuclear concerns".

The UK, China, France, Russia and the US, the five permanent Security Council members, and Germany have had a longstanding offer of diplomatic and economic incentives to Iran if it agrees to suspend uranium enrichment.

Iran has always insisted that its nuclear programme is for civilian purposes only.

It is under UN sanctions for refusing to end uranium enrichment activities, and is widely suspected of seeking to develop the technology to build a nuclear weapon.(ANA)

FA/ANA/14 September 2009---


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