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[Published: Monday September 14 2009]

Zimbabwean minister denounces EU

Harare, 14 Sept-(ANA)-An ally of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has accused EU officials who visited the country recently of seeking to undermine the unity government.

Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa said the EU delegation had sided with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

Mr Chinamasa said the EU had fallen "line, hook and sinker" for everything Mr Tsvangirai had told them.

The EU refused to lift sanctions on Mr Mugabe and his top aides, citing a lack of progress over human rights.

Long-time rivals Mr Tsvangirai and Mr Mugabe signed a power-sharing agreement a year ago, after a disputed election.

But Mr Tsvangirai accuses Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF party of continuing to persecute members of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

The EU talks were the first in seven years with Mr Mugabe. (ANA)

FA/ANA/14 September 2009---


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