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[Published: Monday March 12 2018]

Nigeria airport charges for stinking toilets

Kano, Nigeria 12 Mar (ANA) - A decision to charge passengers to use the toilets at Nigeria's Kano Airport has local media fuming. The car park toilets - which, according to newspaper site Vanguard, emit a "foul" smell - have introduced a new, structured payment system.

Those wanting a wee pay just 20 naira (5 cents; 4 pence). However, it rises to 50 if you want a poo and reaches 100 for people wanting a shower. It is not, the Vanguard reporter assures his readers, worth the money.

Those brave - or desperate - enough to use the toilets will  find themselves in the company of "large flies... [which] latch freely on the [toilet] users’ bottoms". If the flies aren't enough to make you think twice about using the loo, the "leaking pipes and toilet bowls overflowing with faeces" may just do it.

The newspaper says no official was willing to comment on the new set up. (ANA)
FA/ANA/March 2018--------

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