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[Published: Friday March 19 2010]

 Zuma welcomes Zimbabwe 'progress'

Harare, 19 March-(ANA)-South African President Jacob Zuma says he made "great progress" in his first trip to Zimbabwe as mediator between members of the unity government.

He says he has agreed a package of measures which he hopes will end the political deadlock.

President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, who agreed to share power after disputed elections in 2008, are at odds over key issues.

Mr Zuma said further talks would be held in coming weeks.

President Zuma told a news conference he had been encouraged by the spirit of co-operation displayed by the parties - which have been at loggerheads over implementing the power-sharing deal.


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"I have had fruitful discussions with all the signatories," Mr Zuma said after nearly three hours of talks with Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai.

"The parties have agreed to a package of measures to be implemented," he said. (ANA)

FA/ANA/19 March 2010-------


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