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UNICEF/African EducationBack
[Published: Tuesday June 18 2024]

 UNICEF estimate that African Children education needs $180 billion

NEW YORK, 18 June. - (ANA) - $180 billion is the amount the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimates is required annually to support children’s education in Africa and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal on education. 
However, the agency said that most African countries are failing to meet the benchmark of allocating 15% to 20% of their national budgets to education. 
This translates to underfunded schools, overcrowded classrooms and an insufficient number of teachers, many of whom lack adequate training. 
It said available resources currently stand at $106 billion, leaving a financing gap of over 40%. 
The statement was released ahead of the Day of the African Child 2024 to be commemorated today (June 16).   - (ANA) -
AB/ANA/18 June 2024

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