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UK/Elections/ DiEM25Back
[Published: Tuesday June 18 2024]

 UK election: backs Jeremy Corbyn, Andrew Feinstein against Keir Starmer and Tories

LONDON, 18 June. - (ANA) - DiEM25 members from across Europe and beyond have voted overwhelmingly to support principled candidates in the upcoming elections, including Jeremy Corbyn, Dianne Abbott, and Faiza Shaheen. Crucially, our members back Andrew Feinstein, former African National Congress MP, who is challenging Keir Starmer’s seat.
Our endorsement extends to those supporting the Peace and Justice project’s five demands, including: Dave Nellist, Shanell Johnson, Fiona Lali, Anne San, Jabu Nala-Hartley, Sean Halsall, Claudia Webbe, Tanushka Marah, Tahir Mirza, Leanne Mohamad, Pamela Fitzpatrick, Kamel Hawwash, Sam Gorst, Ammar Waraich, Mohammad Hafeez, Jo Bird, and many more as listed by the Collective.
In other constituencies, our members back the Greens, Sinn Féin, Plaid Cymru, the Scottish National Party, and other progressive forces to break the false dichotomy between Labour and the Conservatives.
These candidates challenge the power structures that have led to the climate crisis, oligarchic control, militarism, and undemocratic actions impacting lives at local, regional and international levels.   - (ANA) -
AB/ANA/18 June 2024

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